* Description
* Instructions/Commands
* Doctor-Patient Communication
* Satire
Indirect and direct complements with 'Buy' [something] for [some price], 'Pay' [some price] for something; Past Tense, imperative, future tense in if-then clauses, two-word verbs
* * *
coconut: coco
lime: limón
brother: hermano
sister: hermana
el médico: the doctor
* * *
Brother bought a coconut, he bought it for a dime
buy/bought [something] for [something -- a price]
(comprar [algo] por [algo; un precio])
{ He bought a coconut for a dime.
("El compró un coco por diez centavos."
dime: una moneda de diez centavos) }
buy/bought [something] for [someone]
(comprar [algo] para [alguien])
{He bought it for her.
(Lo compró para ella.)}
she paid it for a lime.
pay/paid [something] for [something -- that is, for the benefit of receiving something]
Pagar [un precio; algo] para [algo]
{She paid a coconut for a lime.
She paid it for a lime.
("Ella pagó un coco para un limón."
"Ella lo pagó para un limón)}
For more on pronouns in Spanish see, acceso.ku.edu/gramatica/unidad5/pronombres.shtml.
And her brother? Her brother paid what for a what?
( Y su hermano? Su hermano ha pagado qué para qué?)
Her brother paid how much for what?
(Su hermano ha pagado cuánto para qué?)
{ He paid a dime for a coconut.
(El pagó una moneda de diez centavos para un coco.)}
Sister bought what for what?
(Y la hermana compró qué para qué?)
{She bought a lime for a coconut.
(Compró un limón por un coco.)}
She put the lime in the coconut.
put/put [something] in [something else]
She put it in the coconut.
(Poner [algo] en [algo]
Ella lo puso en el coco.)}
she drank them both up.
("you drank them both up")
drink { up* }
drink/drank [something] { up* }
(beber [algo])
eat/ate [something] { up* }
(comer [algo])}
she . . . woke him { up* }
(ella . . . le despiertó)
wake [someone] [up*]
(despertar a [alguien])
wake up* [someone]
(despertar a [alguien]
(despertar; levantarse)
{He woke up./He awakened.
(Se levantó.)}
Ain't there nothing I can take
take/took [something] for [something -- that is to cure something]
Tomar [algo] para [algo]
take/took [something]
in order to [do something, for example, to relieve/cure something]
Tomar [algo] para [hacer algo; por ejemplo, para curar una enfermedad]
"Ain't there nothing I can take, . . . Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?"
(‘¿No hay nada que puedo tomar . . . para curar este dolor de estómago?’)
to relieve
belly ache
stomach ache
(dolor de estómago,
dolor abdominal)
(dolor de cabeza)
(dolor de oreja)
(dolor de espalda)
(dolor de diente)
"Now let me get this straight."
get straight, get [something] straight
(argot) Entender [algo] correctamente.
feel better (feel good ['well'], feel bad, feel better)
(sentirse bien, sentirse mal, sentirse mejor)
get better (get well)
Call me in the morning
call [someone] { sometime* }
(llamar [a alguien] { en una hora particular* } )
in the morning
(en la mañana)
in the afternoon
(en la tarde)
in the evening
(en la tarde; en la noche)
How are these words alike? How are they different? What is a funny person? A silly person? A ridiculous person? Is a silly woman different than a silly person?
¿Que quiere decir una persona cómica? ¿Una persona ridïcula? ¿Quieren decir la misma cosa las dos frases? ¿O cosas diferentes? ¿Es una mujer ridïcula diferente de un hombre ridïculo o una persona ridïcula? En fin, ¿cuál de los dos es el más ridïculo? ¿La mujer? ¿O el médico?
* is used to indicate that a word is not needed grammatically, that it's 'optional.'
* se utilisa para indicar que una palabra no es necesaria, que es opcional.
Brother bought a coconut, he bought it for a dime
His sister had another one, she paid it for a lime.
She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up
She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up
She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up
She put the lime in the coconut, she called the doctor, woke him up,
And said, "Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?
I say, Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?"
"Now let me get this straight,"
Put the lime in the coconut, you drank them both up
Put the lime in the coconut, you drank them both up
Put the lime in the coconut, you drank them both up
Put the lime in the coconut, you called your doctor, woke him up,
And say, 'Doctor, ain't there nothing I can take,
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?
I say, Doctor, doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say, Doctor, dooooctor, to relieve this belly ache?'
Put the lime in the coconut, drink them both together,
Put the lime in the coconut, then you feel better,*
Put the lime in the coconut, drink them both up,
Put the lime in the coconut, and call me in the morning
Wouh wouh wouh wouh wouh***
Brother bought a coconut, he bought it for a dime
His sister had another one, she paid it for a lime.
She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up,
She put the lime in the coconut, she called the doctor, woke him up,
Say "Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?
I say, Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say Doctor! let me get this straight".
You put the lime in the coconut, drink them both up,
You put the lime in the coconut, drink them both up,
You put the lime in the coconut, drink them both up,
Put the lime in the coconut, you such a silly woman!,
Put the lime in the coconut, drink them both together,
Put the lime in the coconut, then you feel better.
Put the lime in the coconut, drink them both down
Put the lime in the coconut, and call me in the morning
Woo Woo,*** ain't there nothin' you can take, I say
Woo Woo, to relieve my belly ache,
You say woo woo ain't there nothin' I can take, I say
Woo woo,*** to relieve your belly ache,
You say yah yah, ain't there nothin' I can take, I say
Waah waah, to relieve this belly ache,
I say doctor!, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say doctor!, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say doctor!, ain't there nothin' I can take,
I say Doctor!, you such a silly woman!,**
Put the lime in the coconut, drink them both together,
Put the lime in the coconut, then you feel better,
Put the lime in the coconut, drink them both up,
Put the lime in the coconut, and call me in the moooooorning,****
Yes, you call me in the morning,
If you call me in the morning, then [X5]
* then you feel better: it means (quiere decir), "then you will feel better" (‘entonces, se mejorará Usted’)
** you such a silly woman: Black American English (el dialecto de los Negros): it means that (quiere decir que) " you are such a silly woman" (Usted es una mujer si ridicula.)
For more information about Black Dialects in the United States, please see the following:
Para mas información sobre los dialectos de los Negros en los Estados unidos, favor de ver:
*** Woo (or 'wou'): not a word; howling; interjection (no es palabra; alguien grita)
**** moooooorning: deliberate misspelling of "morning"--to draw it out; for sound effects. (Quiere decir “manana”, ‘morning’, pero se cambia la ortografia para creer efectos de sonido)
If you call me in the morning then . . .
If you take/drink [something], [then*] you will be sick.
If you take/drink [something], [then*] you will be better.
(But note that the song which uses some Ebonics to give it a 'Caribbean feel' omits the word be.)
Si me telefonea {Usted} en la mañana, pues . . .
Si toma/bebe Usted [algo], [pues*] estará enfermo/a.
Si toma/bebe Usted [algo], [pues*] mejorará.