Gives the following info.:
se also information about Johnson Guards, Company C, 44th regiment at:
Gives the following info.: "Whitehead, John James -- Private - March 9, 1863. Wounded at Thornton's Gap, Virginia, July 23, 1863. Captured at Spotsylvania, Virginia, May 10, 1864. Released at Fort Delaware, Delaware, June 15, 1865.
Whitehead, Lewis -- Enlisted as a private in Company L, 3rd Regiment, Georgia Infantry, November 1862. Transferred to Company C, 44th Regiment, Georgia Infantry, November 7, 1863. Wounded and captured at Spotsylvania, Virginia, May 10, 1864. Died of disease at Fort Delaware, Delaware, August 16, 1864.
Whitehead, William J. -- Private - March 4, 1862. Appointed 3rd Sergeant. Wounded in left leg, necessitating amputation, at Wilderness, Virginia, May 5, 1864. Admitted to Receiving & Wayside Hospital (General Hospital #9,) at Richmond, Virginia, December 21, 1864. Recommended for retirement to Invalid Corps February 20, 1865." Who is Lewis??? John was a P.O.W. * * * A Richard Whitehead is in the Clarke County census for 1820--this is early for Richard Malone to be head of house--is it a relative?: Whitehead, James 0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Whitehead, Rachel 1-1-0-0-0-0-2-1-1-1-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0 Whitehead, Reason 2-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-1-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Whitehead, Richard 3-1-0-0-0-1-2-0-0-1-0-0-3-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Whitehead, George 0-0-0-3-0-1-1-0-1-1-1-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Columns above with numbers correspond to: 1.) Free white males under 10. 2.) Free white males 10 to under 16. 3.) Free white males 16 to under 18. 4.) Free white males 16 to 26 including heads of families. 5.) Free white males 26 to under 45. 6.) Free white males 45 and upward. 7.) Free white females under 10. 8.) Free white females 10 to under 16. 9.) Free white females 16 to under 26 including head of families. 10.) Free white females 26 to under 45. 11.) Free white females 45 and upward. 12.) Foreigners not naturalized. 13.) Number of persons engaged in agriculture. 14.) Number of persons engaged in commerce. 15.) Number of persons engaged in manufacturing. 16.) Slaves males under 14. 17.) Slaves males 14 to under 26. 18.) Slaves males 26 to under 45. 19.) Slaves males 45 to older. 20.) Slaves females under 14. 21.) Slaves females 14 to under 26. 22.) Slaves females 26 to under 45. 23.) Slaves female 45 and older. 24.) Free colored persons males under 14. 25.) Free colored persons males 14 to under 26. 26.) Free colored persons males 26 to under 45. 27.) Free colored persons males 45 and older. 28.) Free colored persons female under 14. 29.) Free colored persons female 14 to under 26. 30.) Free colored persons female 26 to under 45. 31.) Free colored persons female 45 and older. 32.) All other persons except Indians not taxed. Free white male under ten--column one--could be baby Richard M. No slaves for Richard; Reason and Rachel each have 1 slave. They are the only others with baby boys in Clarke County--though he does not need to be from Clarke originally--just have relatives there!! I did not find Nathan in the County--I am still checking on the Whitehead-Body link. The genealogy of the Clarke County Reason may be as follows:
Thomas Whitehead, b. (1710?) Poss Maryland The 1850 census has our Whiteheads (Anne, born in 1820 or 1819 but with a late birthday, and Richard, born in 1813 or 1814 but with a late birthday) inthe High Shoal district of Clarke County, with other Whiteheads, all farmers: 13 675 675 Whitehead Richard 37 M Farmer 300 Ga (age is 37; gender is male; birthplace is Georgia; he is a farmer) 14 675 675 Whitehead Ann 30 F Ga 15 675 675 Whitehead William 10 M Ga (must be William Johnson?) 16 675 675 Whitehead John 8 M Ga 17 675 675 Whitehead Sarah J 6 F Ga 18 675 675 Whitehead Mary A 4 F Ga 19 675 675 Whitehead Francis 1 M Ga (is this your grandpa???) The family lives in the same vicinity as Jesse Whitehead (who was not on the 1840 census although he was married about the same time as was Richard M. Whitehead, and thus may have not been listed in 1840 because he was living in the household headed by Richard M.! The family also lives near Reason Whitehead--cited in previous census!!! There is also the Sanford Whitehead family in the same district with a daughter Sarah--their momma might be an Elizabeth Whitehead--and she may be a sister of our Sarah???: 14 657 657 Whitehead Sanford 42 M Farmer 2,000 Ga 15 657 657 Whitehead Elmira 40 F Ga 16 657 657 Whitehead Hilyer 17 M Farmer Ga X 17 657 657 Whitehead Simein 15 M Farmer Ga X 18 657 657 Whitehead Mary E 13 F Ga X 19 657 657 Whitehead John P 12 M Ga X 20 657 657 Whitehead James 8 M Ga X 21 657 657 Whitehead Sarah 6 F Ga 22 657 657 Whitehead Melinda 4 F Ga 23 657 657 Whitehead Zachary L 2 M Ga 24 657 657 Whitehead Elizabeth 65 F Ga X 25 658 658 Also in census a Sarah (not ours) and a William: 37 632 632 Whitehead Martha 30 F Ga X 38 632 632 Whitehead Rebecca 11 F Ga 39 632 632 Whitehead Mary E 9 F Ga 40 632 632 Whitehead William F 6 M Ga 41 632 632 Whitehead Sarah 1 F Ga A Glosson family lives in the Buncombe district--Anne's brother--as he like she was born in Georgia? 27 626 626 Glosson Wm F 28 M Farmer 200 Ga X 28 626 626 Glosson Mary 27 F Ga X 29 626 626 Glosson Louisa 9 F Ga 30 626 626 Glosson James 6 M Ga 31 626 626 Glosson Nancy 5 F Ga 32 626 626 Glosson Frances 3 F Ga 33 626 626 Glosson Sarah J 10/12 F Ga * * * Also, since the Bedingfield family is from Orange Co., NC., I checked there and found a Jehu Whitehead (Jacob? Jesse?) in 1790!!! on the tax list--one possible home for the previous generation of Clarke County Whiteheads (one generation back before Richard M. as he was born in Georgia according to the 1850 census!!!) : I found no Bedingfield yet, but one William Rodgers on the tax list -- 1790 R262 ROGERS William M-637 095 No CENSUS - Tax Also Jehu and William Whitehead 1790 W300 WHITEHEAD Jehu M-637 094 No CENSUS - Tax 1790 W300 WHITEHEAD William M-637 093 No CENSUS - Tax (I think that one William may have married a Sarah!!!!!) and a Whithead (same or different than Whitehead--spelling may have gotten him transcribed twice as I know of only 1; no there's William Whitted Senior and Jr.!!!: 1790 W300 WHITHEAD William M-637 094 No CENSUS - Tax ) Anyway, another brother of Jehu and William, a Levi, has a daughter-in-law named Anna!!! Who is bequeathed Levi's old horse Darby! --this was in 1845; Richard M. was living, why would he not be mentioned? Interestingly, William Whitted, 1821, had been given by his father (William Whitted Senior?) "a boy named Dick" "to be emancipated" in 1820 "9th My father bequeathed to me a boy named Dick to .... until the year 1820 & then to be emancipated. This said boy Dick is now in the possession of Thomas Holden and has been hired to him until the year 1825. When that period arrives, my executor will endeavor to carry my father's will in respect Dick into ....., but they are not to give any security for his good behavior so as to under any part of my estate be able in case of his misbehaviour if the court shall refuse to emancipate the said Dick then my Executor must sell or cause him to be sold and divide the money arising from the sale, or my part of it provided I be not entitled to the whole, & equally among my wife Mary, my son William Henry Whitted, my daughter Eliza J. Whitted, & my two grandchildren allowing to them the share of thier father if he was living & therein then I have thereof of to be subject to the provisions & limitations contained & set forth in the fifth clause hereof in case of the death of one or both of them under the age of twenty one years & without having been married." Hmm. Here is 1 Richard Whitted, not apparently related to the others, with a small bit of land: This may not be our Richard, but it is interesting to find him--our Richard remember was born in around 1813 or 1814 in Georgia, before this Richard was freed; this Richard was working somewhere for Thomas Holden, but I do not know where! Interesting. There is a William Bond Whitehead with a wife Sarah who completed a Will in 1805, but he has no son Richard listed--he might be the William Whitehead Senior: * * * There are several Whiteheads (or 2 or 3) in the Clarke County Freeman cemetary--none I know of and in the Clarke County Tuckston Methodist Church Cemetary
Here's Jackson County Clarke's Parent County the Samuel Whitehead family (has a daughter Elizabeth
who would not be Sandford's mother; Sameul is from Person County, NC; he's of interest to me because the family of Samuel Whitehead--a daughter----from Person County--married into the Malone family; may be more children did or took names for their relatives!):
John Glasson sold land in Jackson County on Oconee River
(see especially Jesse Francis Whitehead's brother, William Johnson Whitehead's grave,,
and also his brother Richard H. Whitehead's grave,,
and finally his half-brother Joseph C. Whitehead's grave
* * *
That is it!!